About Me

Once in a while it really hits people that they don’t have to experience the world in the way they have been told to.
-Alan Keightley

Perito Moreno Glacier, Los Glaciares National Park, Argentina. 2006

Hello, lovely. Thanks for popping in.  I’m Erin.

I’m a nurse originally from Texas, but I now call Asheville, NC home.
Mountains = Magic

I started travel nursing in 2022. It’s as if I said to the Universe “I want to have a job in any city of my choosing and work with my friends,” and boom – wish granted. It’s pretty great. Right now I’m on an extended contract in Asheville, hunting waterfalls and causing trouble on my days off. And by trouble, I mean going out early and being home in bed at a reasonable hour. C’mon. I’m in my 40’s.

Other facts: I’m a dancer (Latin, Kizomba, West Coast Swing, Country…), I have Stage IV endometriosis, I’m a textbook introvert, I spent a year backpacking in Central and South America in my 20’s (see above photo), I speak Spanish, I crave adventure and new experiences, I meditate, and I’ll stop everything I’m doing for live music. I also pride myself on picking out the best avocados.

This blog has been many things since its inception. First it chronicled my travels, as I spent my 20’s and 30’s squeezing the life out of my passport. Then it became more health focused when I was diagnosed with endo and thought my life was over. And it was, for a while. Now, there is no category to place it in. Writing simply is my therapy. It’s how I uncover truths I’ve hidden from myself so that I can then set myself free. Freedom is the only thing I want from this life. So, I keep writing.

I’m glad you’re here with me.

21 Responses to About Me

  1. wickedmoxie says:

    OMG, sister from another mother, I thought I was the only one on the planet that dances just because I hear music, and trust me this can be a problem if the music I’m hearing can only be heard by yours truly… pfffft… ya’ know people simple can’t appreciate funny some times… 🙂

    Sounds like you had a blast at the wedding especially that whole casino part. So how much were you taken for, exactly? 😉

  2. George says:

    I want to leave some MEAN FEEDBACK… Just kidding 🙂

    I’ve enjoyed reading through your blog because of the great style and energy. I actually work for the CheapOair travel blog. If you’re interested, we would love to have you on as a guest blogger. Please send me an e-mail: gchristodoulou(at)cheapoair(dot)com, and I can give you more information. Looking forward to hearing from you.

  3. Good luck with all those travel dreams!

  4. Hi Erin,

    Great post on Today I drank wine out of a bowl! Please e-mail me at natdecants@nataliemaclean.com. It’s about wine of course 🙂


  5. Craig Tobias says:

    Say not, “I have found the path of the soul.” Say rather, “I have found the soul walking upon my path.” For the soul walks upon all paths. The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed. The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals.

  6. jmsabbagh says:

    Thank you for visiting my site.I wish that all your dreams and wishes come true.Best luck. Jalal Michael

  7. Matt Chase International says:

    I edited a Magazine once called ‘The Unicorn’. When we were about to launch it my colleague and I were interviewed by BBC Radio and they asked us how we came up with the name.

    “I saw one once!” I proclaimed.

    That was the end of the interview.

    • erinparker75 says:

      best magazine name, ever 🙂

      • adamberlin says:


        I just had a poem accepted about Pamplona’s running of the bulls, but they need a photo of the event–i don’t have one. I found your photo on google and was wondering if you have a good photo of the ring, the mayhem, something. I can send you the poem if that helps. And you’d get a photo cred if the journal takes the photo.


      • erinparker75 says:

        just sent you an email

  8. Mrs R says:

    I suffer with endo too. Mine is very severe and has been giving me trouble for many years. I lose track of how many things I have missed out on because of it. Not to mention the days of school, college, uni, work. It’s a pig of a disease but its always nice to chat to fellow ladies with it. Nobody else can understand the pain it causes. I recently started a blog – myivfworld.wordpress.com

    • erinparker75 says:

      I’m so sorry to hear that. Have you had any surgeries?

      • Mrs R says:

        Yes I have three operations in total. One was awful and I got a post operative infection so was ill for months. The most recent in 2013 was fine but I thank acupuncture, reflexology, arnica and plenty of positive thinking for that! x

  9. meowincat says:

    Hi Erin-
    I have endo (found in many places – mostly bowel related), my Dr’s are Mathias and Mangal. I’ve had 2 laps and a hyst. Thought I was cured. but then endo reared it’s ugly head again and said “muahaha I’m back!!” and tomorrow I’m driving 3+ hours to Houston to see Dr. Mangal again. for another surgery. sucks. But I was glad to find your blog – I’m not alone! 🙂

    • erinparker75 says:

      Oh my goodness! I can’t believe it came back again!!! Did he do another laparoscopy? Where did he find it this time? Please keep me posted! Fingers crossed that recovery goes well for you xxx

  10. Rrrc says:

    Just read your blog and wow! Hope you are doing better.! Am seeing Dr Mangal, can I email you with some questions ?

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